Healthy Foods & Local Foods


Taste of Newton Booth (Oct, 2017): Serving to increase our public visibility, we sold healthy snack packages and bottled water.


FEAST (July, 2017): FEAST stands for Food, Education, Agriculture Solutions Together, a community wide forums that focused on improving the local food system. A meal featuring local food was included and the event was well attended by key members of the community. Local Women’s Farming Workshop (May, 2017), Hosted by the Kansas Rural Center, the Food & Farm Council provided panelists and facilitated a tour that featured Food & Farm member Paula Sims's farm.


Governor's Farm Tour (Sept, 2016): Hosted by the Farm Bureau and Food & Farm member Margaret Goering, the Council participated in a luncheon with Governor Brownback as he toured the state. Margaret and Jennifer Rose, also a Food & Farm member, gave presentations that focused on food insecurity. As it was the Governor's birthday, council member Greg Nickel lead a singing of happy birthday.